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MILDREDS AND MALLOW Gender Pay Gap Report 2024

1. Difference in Mean and Median Hourly Pay

The mean hourly pay for male employees is £11.23, while for female employees, it is £11.05, resulting in a pay gap of £0.18. The median hourly pay for both genders is identical at £10.42, indicating that the central point of earnings distribution is equal.

2. Difference in Mean and Median Bonus Pay

The mean bonus pay for male employees is £984, while female employees receive a higher average bonus of £1,207, resulting in a positive gap of £222. The median bonus is slightly higher for female employees at £550, compared to £500 for males, showing a £50 gap. 

3. Proportion of Employees Receiving Bonuses

A total of 42 employees received bonuses. Among them:


4. Proportion of Employees in Pay Quartiles

Employees are distributed across four quartiles based on their earnings:

The lower quartiles (Q1 & Q2) consist mainly of minimum-wage roles, whereas higher quartiles (Q3 & Q4) include senior-level or head office positions.


The gender pay gap in our organisation is small in terms of hourly pay, with near-equal median pay between male and female employees. The bonus distribution slightly favours female employees, with higher mean and median bonuses compared to their male counterparts. The proportion of employees receiving bonuses is slightly higher for male employees. Gender balance at senior levels is strong, as reflected in the higher pay quartiles.